Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Monday, April 24, 2006
The new Moore girl
We want welcome "Libby" or "Victoria" to the Moore family. We seem to be divided on which name best fits our new Labrador puppy. She is a feisty addition to the family. On Saturday I was on my way to some friends and passed a truck with a sign that said "free puppies". I told myself that on my way back if they were still there I would stop and inquire. Sure enough they were still there. As soon as I slowed down and the girls saw the sign, they went nuts. They only had two left, both females, so since we had already talked about getting a dog, the free part just pushed me over the edge. She is a sweet puppy and the girls love having her. Give us your thoughts, does she look like a "Libby" or a "Victoria".
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Monday, April 24, 2006
Friday, April 21, 2006
Be Ye Doer Tour
Michelia and I are in the Baltimore, MD-Washington, DC area on a pre-project visit for this summer's Youth Choir Mission Tour. Today we met with Captains' Evelyn & Cedric Middleton of the Salvation Army. We will be partnering with them this summer to offer a Daycamp to the housing projects that surround their facility. Above is a picture of Michelia and Evelyn in the lunch room. Evelyn is a delightful person with a wonderful spirit and vigor. We enjoyed visiting with she and her husband. We also met the cook Ahmed. Ahmed is a native of India and made his way to America following the Tsunami that took the lives of 20 of his family members.
This is the worship area where they hold a variety of services for the community.
The main entrance to the Salvation Army.
This is a shot from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. The group in black down by the reflecting pool is preparing to do a concert. We are hoping to do a concert in the same location this summer.
A picture from the concert site looking toward the Lincoln Memorial.
This is the Upper Senate Park. The Senate wing of the Capitol can be seen in the background. We have already been granted permission to do a concert at this site.
A shot of the Capitol.
"Row houses" are very common here. These particular houses are in East Baltimore, across the street from the church where we'll be doing a block party one night.
This is the East Baltimore Church of God in Baltimore, MD. We will be doing a concert here on Wednesday night as part of a block party to reach out to the surrounding community. Which by the way is heavily populated by Greeks.
More pics to come tomorrow. <><
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Friday, April 21, 2006
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Bikes R Us!
History tells us that the bicycle was invented somewhere around 1817 by the German inventor Baron Karl Drais von Sauerbronn. However, according to the Moore children it was invented only 2 weeks ago! We have had several attempts at riding our bikes but none have been all too successful. It usually involves dad running franctically behind them trying to keep them from falling over. Yet, about 2 weeks ago they got the notion to try again. This time I pushed their training wheels up. Still low enough to catch them if they fell over, but high enough that they could ride without assistance. They took off like the wind! Within minutes the training wheels were off and they've never looked back. We ride in our neighborhood which is filled with moderate traffic, so pulling over to the side of the street only slows progress. So we got the grand idea to put the bikes in the back of the truck and go to the church parking lot. Wide open spaces! They could ride to their heart's desire without ever having to pull over. What does Riley do, but run into a parking curb and fall off her bike. She skins the tip of her nose and her upper lip. Nothing that will stop her from more riding. They love it. I take my bike and ride, and we play follow the leader. It's lots of fun seeing them grow and experience new things.
Tomorrow Michelia and I are off to the Baltimore/Washington DC area for a pre-project visit for our Youth Choir trip this summer. We will meet with the folks we will be partnering with this summer and seeing the concert sites. It should be fun and worthwhile. We pray for safe travel and for this trip to be benefitial in preparing our students to come this summer and share their faith with many, many people. Until then....
Have a great day! <><
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Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Easter '06
This past weekend was quite a whirlwind. Now that I think back over everything that happened it all seems a little blurry.
We probably had more people on campus this past Sunday than ever before. The Lord was so very good to us. Friday night we had a community Good Friday service. There were 6 churches in all that participated. We had a mass choir and our orchestra played as well. It was a tremendous time of fellowship and remembrance. Each pastor spoke on the subject "The Cross Through The Eyes Of.... and each one inserted a person that witnessed the crucifixion. John, Mary, The Forgiven Thief, Peter, The Centurion & Jesus.
On Sunday we had three services. The first service had 400-500 people in it. The 2nd service probably had 1,200 and the third was standing room only with probably 1,400 people. We had over 400 preschoolers here! That's more than a lot of churches I know. We had a full choir & orchestra for each service. I was so proud of our folks that came and sang and played. They really gave a lot of themselves. I am a blessed man to be associated with such incredible people. They have become such a big part of my life and I love them dearly.
Next Sunday night our Senior Adult choir is presenting a musical entitled "Homeward Bound" It's about a church group that goes to the ballgame and "Jim" comes to know the Lord. It's a fun piece and they are so excited about doing it.
Back to the salt mines. Have a great day. <><
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Tuesday, April 18, 2006