Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Be Ye Doer Tour!

On Friday, June 16, 45 students, 15 adults and 4 children departed Spring, TX for Washington DC where we would spend a week doing mission work in and around the city. The Lord blessed our trip and we were able to plant many seeds of ministry.

We arrived at the church at 4:00 A.M. If you know me at all you know that I don't do mornings very well, but we had to get an early start due to the significant distance we had to travel. We traveled hard for 2 full days and arrived in Baltimore around 7:30 P.M. Eastern Time.

Sunday, June 18 - Father's Day
We awoke to a beautiful morning and left camp at 8:00 A.M. for the Salvation Army where we would spent the biggest part of the day. We were greeted with open arms, literally, by Captains Evelyn and Cedric Middleton. We quickly began to set up our equipment, then helped teach Sunday School for all ages. We then attended worship where we presented a mini-concert.

We were all drawn to a lady that was dressed to the nines and had the outward signs of Parkinson's disease. She was exuberant in her worship and reminded me a lot of my aunt Loveda. Her name was Bernice and she worshipped with her entire being. She quickly became very special to all of us and our hearts we immediately bound together.

After lunch we changed clothes and began setting up for a block party sponsored by the Salvation Army for the entire neighborhood. There were hamburgers & hotdogs, popcorn & cotton candy, games and live music. We sang several selections throughout the afternoon and everyone enjoyed the festive atmosphere. Another group was also there and sang as part of the block party. It was a men's gospel trio and they were fabulous. The kids really enjoyed them. Captain Evelyn got all the kids up and taught them a line dance. Yes, we danced at church! It was great fun.

That evening we had a talent show at camp. First Baptist Church Opelika, Alabama was also staying at the camp and we enjoyed getting to know them.

Here are some pictures from the week. I'll post more later.

Until then,
Buck <><

1 comment:

She Loves to Quilt said...

Wonderful pictures, and wonderful journal...